Kick-off your individal research project with Allis Analysts

Need deep-dive research on market segments, competitors and solutions? Want to understand the market needs and gaps to gain competitive edge?
Request a project from Allis Analysts:
Discover our portfolio of custom services and pick the one that will boost your business strategy. Initiate your individual project by submitting a request below and accessing Allis Analysts.

Market Scan
Leverage primary and secondary data on market segment and competitors; Get deep dive information on the available digital health solutions, service offerings, customer targets, and more; Understand market needs and market entry options customized for your business in different geographies.

Due Diligence
Investigate the business impact and future success of companies for potential partnerships or funding; Evaluate market opportunity of different digital health solutions and their value propositions; Understand the possible risks involved in partnering or funding specific digital health businesses.

Market Sizing
Break down revenue streams of range of digital health market segments; Receive pricing and business model updates; Understand the supply and demand side developments; Visualize the future earnings and revenue forecasts.

Partner Scouting
Identify your partnership needs, roadmap and high impact areas; Receive help with Scouting and Partner selection process via accessing a database of startups; Evaluate partners according to your custom criteria; Formulate your partnership model, its operation and strategy.